Tomorrow morning I leave for my journey to Paraguay. I can't believe that this moment is finally here. It doesn't even feel real, but my bags are packed and my belongings here in Minnesota are put away for the next two years.
A phrase that my mom and I have used these past couple of months is "Because I Can." Why is my mom calling me right now? "Because she can." For the next two years the ability and frequency for my mom to call me will not be as easy.
Other occasions that I have used this phrase are:
-Drinking milk
-Vacuuming the carpet
-Using the air conditioning
-Eating Chipotle...and lots of Pizza!
-Driving my car
-Hanging out at Dunn Bros. Coffee Shop
-Visiting friends
-Sleeping on a comfortable mattress and pillow
-Spending time on the internet and watching TV
-Snuggling with Ranger, my dog.
-Hugging my parents and friends
As of tomorrow many I won't have access, or at least frequent access, to these things. I will miss all of these things but some of them I will be glad to be free of. I am looking forward to the simpleness and the stillness in Paraguay. As I enter this new culture and country my senses will be hightened and I will experience many new things. It will be very exciting and maybe even a little scary. But I am prepared and excited for this journey.
Tomorrow I fly to Miami. I will stay there Tuesday night and spend Wednesday in orientation, which includes meeting the other volunteers that are going to Paraguay with me. Then on Wednesday night we will begin the over eleven hours of travel to Paraguay. I will first go through 3 months of training, which includes living with a host family in a small village, learning the language, skill sets, cultural norms, and health and safety tips. I will post when I can! Until the other side of the Equator!
I love you so much, Maddie - it's been a joy to spend real-live human time with you. Gardens, living rooms, prayers, meals, ... the list goes on. Now I can't wait for letters across the ocean (and still more prayers).